sweet laughter man You hid the tears. No one was there to hold your hand No one was there to calm your fears...
Your whole world was torn apart Little by little it fell away, You held tight the pieces of your heart Hoping
that love would stay.
We all saw you smiling Giving your all each and every time, You were always entertaining
How could they all have been so blind?
Did anyone try to look past Past the clown, past the wall? Seems
it was thought you would always last No one thought you would ever fall.
Your dreams...they all came true Sucess,
love...your family and your son. Yes, Freddie, it came to you You "Had it all", but you were so very young
to you it seemed, all at once Everything began to close in. You know "They" said you planned for months, "They"
said, but not your true friends
Sweet Laughter Man You gave so much of you, Yet, when it was you who needed
a helping hand All those so called friends became so few.
You'll never know how much I care Still after all
this time. I just wish I could have been there I just wish you could have been mine.
You never saw the tears
I cried When you chose to leave, Such a big part of me died inside Although I tried so not to grieve.
tried to force the memory Of your laughter into my mind, I thought that it might set me free That through it maybe
some comfort I could find.
The memories hurt...time tries to heal I will never forget what you gave to me.. Never
forget how you made me feel Although with you.. again.. I will never be.
I hope wherever you are Your mind
is finally at rest. Whether you knew it or not... you were a star Freddie, you were the best.
My Sweet
Laughter Man Why did you hide your tears? Didn't you know I was there to hold your hand? How I wish I had been
there to calm your fears.
My Sweet Laughter Man.... Never laughed again...
C.M. AKA Wheeeone 12-2-78

There is a golden river that flows from the earth towards the sky.
It was created ...so very long ago within an unfathomable goodbye.
Flickering hues of gold mixed with
the fires of non acceptance. Dancing prism-like fingers reaching to reclaim what cannot be grasped.
The river's
flow turbulent, angry... questioning the wisdom of the universe. Till a weary spirit, at times, slows it down to a
trickle to simply be still within..with a silent curse.
Searching, twisting, heavenward toward fate's door like
a snake. To beg all that is for a return of what there was no reason to take.
The river of gold that carries
the burden throughout these twenty-five years, Searches the infinity of heaven consisting of all my tears.
the time, within time, when your prescence... will be all-encompassing once more; At my golden river of tears end
carried through the years to eternity's door.
C.M. AKA WHEEEONE In Remembrance on 1*29*2002
Blow out the candle...make my wish come true, To gaze in your beautiful eyes and spend
just one more day with you.
I would wish for time suspended and a walk along the beach, Through time and understanding maybe a solution we
could reach.
Then I would plead with the universe to simply turn back time, You would still be here if destiny
could be so kind.
There would be no need to place a remembrance at your grave site today, The sorrow within my
heart would simply fade away.
No longer would your image be only etched within my mind, Joy would be restored
and loving peace I may finally find.
Blow out the candle, Freddie
make my wish come true.....
To hear your sweet voice say "Hi, girls" and spend some more time with you.
Time has passed, my love, the world
has changed, Yet, the connection of our spirits will always remain.
Today I will blow out the candle, and make
my familiar wish, Will the gentle breeze upon my face today contain your sweet soft kiss?
Let the warm sun upon
my shoulders be the gift of your embrace, The butterfly that circles me the sign of your presence within this place.
out the candle...make my wish come true..
Let us celebrate your life till I laugh again with you.
Wheeeone June 22, 2001
